www.supermind-yoga.com The Natarajan's site
The aim of transmission

I will start with the simplest fact of all: we believe that we are free and the use which we make of this freedom poses problems. Starting from this basis, there are only two solutions: either we decree that we have discovered the use of freedom ourselves and force others to do what we do, or we stand before this mystery and say "Just because I think that I might have more or less discovered certain keys, that doesn't justify me telling other people how to do things". This is where things become much more complicated because if we want to convey something we can no longer say "Do this or do that". Therefore I am not here for you or for me, but for the Earth, because this is the first time in thousands of years that the earth has found itself in such a difficult position. I do not personally have much to prove to myself or to you either. However, insofar as divine consciousness has taken hold of me and tries its best to do its work, somewhere I am still the same individual and this individual is slightly surprised by the malevolence of the human race. Many people predict a great many things for the years ahead, but I refrain from doing that. I am dedicating this seminar to the earth in the hope that some of you will find methods perhaps, or tools, in my talk with which to confront what is happening on our earth both as souls and as individuals. The results of this work do not belong to me. You are under no obligation to answer to me for the method I am about to explain. You can try it once and give it up for the rest of your lives - that does not affect me in the least. You can try it and it can transform your life, this does not affect me either. I wanted to create a system which avoids giving orders. Up to now teachers have always said: "Do this or do that". The only thing I will ask you to do is to understand. Once you have understood the system which I have called the four mysteries, it will be at available to you. Some people will be boosted by it, some will be unable to penetrate it and others will use it for a while then abandon it, but will perhaps come back to it at a later date. None of these things belong to me. I would ask you not to pass on this system (the notes issued are for your own use) and I would ask you not to discuss it, because the system cannot yield fruit if it is not practised properly and it is necessary to know it well already in order to talk about it. On the other hand, if it is my destiny and the system grows, then you can co-opt and introduce people to me for this work or for another. The work which I am doing is therefore extremely basic, since I am confronting you with your own freedom and emphasizing it a bit more because using our freedom is made hard by friction within us between Yin and Yang. This friction is purely dialectical, i.e. at the end of the day we are still walking because we are hesitating a little, reappraising and making choices. If we were walking along a path which was always flat and straight, we would end up by becoming robots. The first thing which I must convey to you about the Supermind is that you must recognize that adversity is an ally. All those who are unable to recognize that adversity is an ally cannot wage war and since war is all there is, then this is a bit of a nuisance! War is all that exists and we know what happens to those who shun this reality — they stay in the shadows, repeat the same patterns and go through life asleep. Hence you can choose the war you wish to wage. It can be a war against those things which manipulate you, a war for light, or any kind of war, but the fact remains that if we are not grateful for adversity then we complain; if we are not grateful for adversity we turn ourselves into victims. After this we get into a vicious circle: if we are victims, then others must be wrong and we must therefore be right and so it goes on. We could therefore say that one of the first results of practising the four mysteries would be to avoid staying trapped in negative emotions by using this method which enables us to take stock permanently of where we are. I would not go so far as to say that we can stop them. I think that it would be totally naive and pretentious to think that a magic spell could spare us from falling, sinking or having dark content in our consciousness, far from it! On the other hand, all this dark subconscious content shows us the path to transforming it. In other words, it is only in particularly difficult moments that we can allow ourselves to be overwhelmed. It is easy to say, but it is possible for us to become overwhelmed! We must accept it and we cannot just snap our fingers and say "Things will be better tomorrow!" We can try positive thinking techniques etc. I am not here to offer you a ready-made system for avoiding what is not gratifying — I leave that up to personal development speakers. Suffering is part of our journey, but the aim is not to retain it or turn it into a foil, as certain people try to present it. Suffering is an alarm bell. We are suffering, granted, but we welcome it. The notion of banishing suffering to the fringes of ourselves only means that it will return when the same circumstances recur (and those of us familiar with astrology know that this happens). We manage to suppress a problem, to "sweep it under the carpet", but one day or another it will return. So suffering is going to descend on us — so what you might ask? What's so terrible about that? The fact is that it is there. I do not want to enter into a rather pernicious system either, in which by saying that we deserve suffering we can free ourselves from it more easily. This is equally stupid and is possibly based on old genetic Judaeo-Christian systems, on things which are in our genes, so that not content with suffering, we beat ourselves up a bit more for experiencing suffering. This is not right either! Accepting suffering does not therefore mean we are necessarily going to legitimize it; it means recognizing that it is there and if we are lucid and sincere we shall discover the cause anyway and if we cannot discover the cause we can also try to cope. What becomes very pleasant is to stay at a cruising speed for our personality and mind, which is sufficiently neutral to absorb shocks without dramatizing things, for example. However, we can absorb shocks while seeing what is going on inside us (and we do not deny that we can see what goes on inside us). What happens then becomes really very pleasant indeed because we can reappraise ourselves effortlessly. We can, therefore, already consider that if you think about the system of mysteries or practise it, you will have the opportunity to enjoy reappraising yourselves. This is wonderful and I have a personal theory that if we manage to reappraise ourselves in depth all the time, we are increasingly able to absorb conflicts and confront them without violence or hatred. However, we are subject to very deep manipulation. I am therefore going to remind you in general terms how this manipulation takes place. It already takes place through the planets; this means that in concrete and practical terms we can transform the tendencies of our horoscope. I cannot repeat this often enough. I am against astrology as it is currently practised and there are only a few humanist astrologers who go as far as me. We do not have to identify unduly with our birth chart. It is a network of forces which condition us because we have come from nature. We embody something in the universe which is totally exceptional — the meeting between life and what we could begin to call consciousness. Therefore I am delighted when I meet people who feel that extraordinary quality of the very fact of existing, because an untold number of people have trivialized existence to such an extent that they completely miss the permanent miracle of the power to connect consciousness and life. Having said that, consciousness as such will always be freer and less conditioned than life, since life is based on dynamic crystallization systems, which are an absolutely incredible feat. (I remember an experience where I retraced the process from the sexual act to the birth of a baby in supramental consciousness. I viewed this from a supramental position. When we consider such a result in nine months viewed from beyond our trivial mental perspective, from "above" or from the "Divine", then it is absolutely breathtaking. There is ongoing research into embryogenesis, but we really still do not understand how cells find their rightful place when they start off as an undifferentiated jumble. Therefore if you enjoy looking at the exceptional mysteries of life too, there are some extraordinary surprises. However, this life is nevertheless deeply encoded).This encoding is useful to us for a large number of processes. We shall perhaps discuss this encoding of life in mystery number 3.
The essential encoding which we still have to transcend and overcome is physical death. It would seem that the Supermind also tries to tackle the system which implants the process of death in the human body. (I personally fought it in 2001). It is very deep and very tough. There is a "physical mind" at the service of death which is an abomination against which I fought because the Supermind made me go down that far, whereas it is normally a plane which remains totally unconscious. It is very irritating that this plane remains unconscious from another point of view, because if there is not sufficient harmony between ourselves and life, this physical mind will recover damaging events and express them in psychosomatic form. One could therefore say, even if only in theory, that if we manage to maintain a good balance between the self and the non-self, i.e. between what I give to life and what it gives back to me, then psychosomatic symptoms have less reason to exist. I would therefore like to come back to what I said at the outset: if we know how to treat suffering when it manifests itself, it will still be less damaging than if it embeds itself in the subconscious, as this is in fact what it does. Damaging events which are beginning to become quite serious create memories and these memories then assume their own autonomy and this is how they can trigger cancer ten or twenty years later after a trauma. In effect, therefore, when we analyse the mystery of life and the encoding of life, there are some marvellous things, which enable us to feel desire, satisfaction, empathy and identity between the self and the whole. However there are also things which pass us by completely and which belong to life itself, such as the coding for psychosomatic diseases. You are free to observe, welcome and transform this manipulation which we undergo - for whatever sort of reason. Since everybody is different, mystics like myself can say that it is in order to move closer to the Divine, while for some it is to gain their own integrity and for others it is because they love life and want their lives to be successful and beautiful. I cannot personally show you your own reasons which can lead you to follow a spiritual system undergo therapy or use my four mysteries, because, as I would like to reiterate, the basis of human life is freedom. If I can help you or convey what causes freedom to take root in you, personally, I shall feel that I have done my job because establishing the roots of freedom means an end to being manipulated and if we look at all the sources of manipulation there is an extremely broad spectrum.